
hip-hop broke the game heart . the game got intervieued and says that hip-hop broke his heart . The intervieu was 20 minutes long , the game was emotionely touch bu the question that were asked in that intervieu . the game explains exactly why hip-hop broke his heart , first he said that hip-hop changed over the last 15 years , has a fan the game said that back in the day they were more flavor into the songs compared to the hip-hop of today . the game had a break down at a momment because he aint had found out no long ago that his best friend had died , the game blames it all on hip-hop . the game gives his point by telling the whole that hiph-hop was a grade give to the world but hip-hop is a bad influence , the game says its cause of hip-hop that now kids are droping out of school , cause of hip-hop kids are walking around with guns , cause of hip-hop that people are killing eachother and cause of hip-hop that his best friend is dead . Most of hip-hop fan agree but but no one agree completly . Since the itervieu the game is no where to be found he has not releast a new single yet . the game fans are worried about his struggle of the feeling that he now gots on hip-hop.

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