
hip-hop all strated in the street of bronk in new york city by people staredto scratching and beat boxing in the 1970 ' s. hip-hop got seruisly when the rapper krs-1 got into the game. In the early 80's hip-hop was known all over american and by the year 85 hip-hop was known all over the world . in the year 1985 a new channel came out just for hip-hop that was called b.e.t . b.e.t stands for black entertaine television. in 2010 b.e.t is one one of the most watched channel in american. in the hip hopgame we alot of great rapers that we lost nortoruis b.i.g , tupac, easy-e, big bun , aaliyah, letf eye, big l , pimp c , dolla ...in the 1990 half of the people in amrican said that hip-hop is the reason why lil kids are killing eacherother and doing drugs, selling drugs , roping ....and the other half of the people said that hip-hop was the gradest gift to the african american culture now in 2010 only 25% says that hip-hop is still the reason why kids are doing all them bad things they been doing since hip-hop as arrive and 75% now says that hip-hop is the gradest gift to the the world.

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