
New school vs old school . Over last 15 years hip-hop has changed, 1995 we had a different style of raping , we had 2pac talking about how we need to change , biggie was talking about his story, easy-e talking about how to be real gansta . In 2010 all rapers are the same we got one side of the hip-hop that comes out with new dances and the other side comes out with new songs that just talks about how much money they holding and how may girls they sleep with. Nas a hip-hop old school legend came out with a album called hip-hop is dead. Nas explain how hip-hop has changed and the new generation of rapers ain`t got nothing to talk about if it ain`t money or girls. The new school got offended included young jezzy the new school boss .Yong jezzy told nas how he felt and that momment created a beef beetween the two rappers . Later on that beef the beef wasn`t just beetween them two rapers but it was now a new school old school beef . Nas and jezzy saw what they had created and decided to end up the beef but that didn`t make a defferent of how the new school and old school felt about eachother.

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